
Beautiful weather in french
Beautiful weather in french

Weather history and weather records and averages are used to determine the climate of a particular part of the world on a certain day in history or average over the course of many years of recorded weather history. In addition to weather forecasts are ozone levels, changing climate conditions, global warming, El nino, and solar winds. If you are in the path of a storm you should be following official local weather sources for your area.Ĭlimate is the common, average weather conditions at a particular place over a long period of time. The tropical cyclone forecasts presented at this site are intended to convey only general information on current storms and must not be used to make life or death decisions or decisions relating to the protection of property. Since travel and outdoor activities are severely curtailed by heavy rain, snow, hail or fog, weather warnings can be very useful insuring the safety of human life. Severe weather events such as a tornado, tropical storm, hurricane, cyclones, lightning strikes and extreme weather affect us all. It is the goal of  to promote public safety and save lives using reliable weather forecasts, weather maps, and storm tracking. If you are in the path of a storm you should be listening to official information sources. The tropical cyclone data presented at this site are intended to convey only general information on current storms and must not be used to make life or death decisions or decisions relating to the protection of property: the data may not be accurate. Heavy rains, however, can produce significant flooding inland, and storm surges can produce extensive coastal flooding up to 40 kilometers (25 mi) from the coastline.

beautiful weather in french

This is why coastal regions can receive significant damage from a tropical storm, while inland regions are relatively safe from receiving strong winds. They develop over large bodies of warm water, and lose their strength if they move over land due to increased surface friction and loss of the warm ocean as an energy source. While tropical weather can produce extremely powerful hurricane force winds and torrential rain, they are also able to produce high waves and damaging storm surge as well as spawning tornadoes.

beautiful weather in french beautiful weather in french

These Weather Forecasts have no official status and should not be used for emergency response decision making under any circumstances. Storm Watch | Hurricane & Tropical Cyclone Forecast

Beautiful weather in french